The Arrive

Waiting is the purest representation of hope, that something happens, that it arrives, but when it is prolonged too much, through time it can transform us even with the strongest will until we become perpetual, an endless wait that in the end becomes misunderstood and those who encounter these findings are inferred the question about the purpose of those remains.

in Prestige paper with 
Copy number.
11 x 17" inches
Electric ink.

$ 180 USD


In the world day by day we face this horror, it envelops us in its penta messages that preach an untenable truth before the facts, confuses and bends with its discourse of double lines, such is the force of which this pentafid entity is nourished that it is presented in tinted lines that throw between whitish cottons. It's something we see every day on the streets.

Unique piece
Mid Guarro Paper
19.685 x 27.5591 inches
China Ink

$ 300 USD


Vulture also known as the Black Vulture, is one of the birds of prey associated with filth, however being a bird and having the ability to rise to the sky, it can be interpreted as an unclean being that is able to rise in the face of adversity leaving behind a purified field eliminating the remains of the bodies that lie there.

in Prestige paper with 
Copy number.
11 x 17" inches
Electric ink.

$ 180  USD

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